Welcome to FDC Academy in  partnership with Aston Villa FC

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are pleased to be able to offer you a place on our FDC Academy.

Please download Spond and use invitation code YWQIQ  or click on the link to keep up to date with the all latest information (Please ensure you have created a standing order first or you will not be accepted to the group).

Please set up a monthly standing order of £45 to the following details

  • Girls Development – FDC
  • Sort Code: 30-99-50
  • Account: 53203963

Take a moment to read our FDC Brochure to find out a bit more about us

Your child must attend every session in Development kit only and be available to play games against other development centres and professional Academy’s if selected.

To submit your FDC kit order please click here.

By registering as a member with FDC Academy, you agree to the following terms and conditions here.

Finally please take the time to read our code of conduct here.

Kind Regards,

Jamie Bailey
FDC Academy Director

The Football Development Centre
Mob: 07810 420787